Welcome to Night School Chemistry with Mr Jopp

Hello night school students! So glad you are along for the ride this quarter to earn a credit in Chemistry. I will admit up front that we are not going to focus just on chemistry, but will focus on one science concept per week and share some thoughts about it on Google Classroom.
These concepts will include:
States of matter
Acid/base reactions
Thermal properties
...and a few more to be decided later.
In all cases we will look at how these concepts apply to the world around you and not just in a classroom lab setting.
Different but (I hope) useful in understanding science better.
Assignments will be posted right here every Tuesday morning.
To go to Google Classroom, go HERE
To see the night school schedule and attendance policy click HERE
These concepts will include:
States of matter
Acid/base reactions
Thermal properties
...and a few more to be decided later.
In all cases we will look at how these concepts apply to the world around you and not just in a classroom lab setting.
Different but (I hope) useful in understanding science better.
Assignments will be posted right here every Tuesday morning.
To go to Google Classroom, go HERE
To see the night school schedule and attendance policy click HERE
WEEK of April 13th
Here is your night school science video of the week This week's topic - WATER Steps... 1. Answer this question on google classroom: "Does ice float or sink in water? - Why does it do this?" 2. Watch the video on Water 3. Complete this form --> WATER |
Week of April 20thThis week's topic - HYDRAULICS
Steps... 1. Answer this question on google classroom: "Do you think refrigerators work by creating cold, or by taking away heat? Explain your answer in 2 sentences." 2. Read the Hydraulics PDF 3. Watch the Video "Best Crushes of 2018" 4. Complete this form --> HYDRAULICS |
Week of April 27thThis week's topic - COMBUSTION
Steps... 1. Answer this question on google classroom: "Why do you think the steel wool in the video gained mass when it burned?" 2. Watch the video on Combustion 3. Hand draw the "Combustion Triangle" and upload a picture of it to google classroom. |
Week of May 4th
This week's topic - MAGNETISM
Steps... 1. Watch the video ---> 2. Answer this question on google classroom: "Why do some farmers have their cows swallow magnets?" 3. Complete this form --> MAGNETISM |
Week of May 11th
This week's topic - OPTICS
Steps... 1. Watch the video (slightly longer this week - 8 minutes - but twice as entertaining) --> 2. Answer this question on google classroom: "What is the strangest thing you have ever seen in the sky? Bird, Plane, Cloud, Other....tell me about it." 3. Complete this form --> OPTICS (only 5 questions!) |
Week of May 18th
This week's topic: POLLINATORS!
Something a bit different. I went with a biology topic this week just for some variety. Since I am a beekeeper, I thought you might find it interesting to see inside a beehive. Steps... 1. Watch the video --> 2. Answer this question on Google Classroom: "Have you ever been stung by a bee? What do you remember about it." 3. Viewer's Choice....do 1 of the following 2 things by Friday a- Take 3 pictures of pollinators outside, OR b- Complete this form --> POLLINATORS |
Week of May 25th
This week's topic - YOU!
Alright...we are wrapping up this distance learning thing and kids are graduating, so let's look at you before we leave for summer. Steps... 1. Watch the short video --> 2. Take the quiz "What kind of scientist are you?" link HERE 3. Complete this form "What is your Passion?" |