Project Lead the Way
Design and Modeling Automation and Robotics Project Lead The Way
PLTW is a “hands-on” engineering-based program that incorporates Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) all into the same course. The course is a quarter-long class for both 7th and 8th grades. According to Project Lead the Way: the program, “focuses on showing-not telling-students how engineers use technology to solve everyday problems.” The course section is called Design and Modeling. Students will learn the design process, measurement, sketching, Computer Aided Design and small tool use. This is the first rotation of the PLTW gateway to Technology program. Click on the link below to learn more about Project Lead the Way PLTW |
Sketch Up Click on the photo above to download a free copy of Sketch Up MAKE -the program we use in class. When you click download, just specify that you are using it for education, and it is free.
Note: You do have to register for your free copy- this is just to verify that you are a student. Tesla's Self-Driving CarWho says robots can't be fun and functional? Check out this short video of Tesla's self driving car technology. It may be our first step in becoming the lazy citizens of Earth as portrayed in the movie Wall-E.
Solving a Rubik's Cube BlindfoldedSo...You can solve a Rubik's Cube, Huh.
Now try to solve it blindfolded. Think it can't be done? Click on the picture to check out this 7 year old perform his magic. Amazing! |